
At Advisory HR Consultancy Group, we extend our comprehensive suite of services to cover all your immigration needs. Our solutions are designed to make your journey smoother, as we listen attentively to your goals, understand your unique circumstance and walk alongside you at every step to turn your dream into reality.

Employment Pass, Dependant Pass, S-Pass and Work Permit

Whether you're seeking to work or bring dependents to Singapore, we manage all aspects of pass application, renewal, cancellation and appeal. Our diligent approach ensures your documents are 100% accurate and comply fully with Ministry of Manpower (MOM) or Immigration & Checkpoints Authority (ICA) requirements.

Permanent Residency (PR) Application

Whether you're seeking to work or bring dependents to a new country, we manage all aspects of pass applications, renewals, cancellations, and appeals. Our diligent approach ensures your documents are 100% accurate and comply fully with Ministry of Manpower (MOM) or Immigration & Checkpoints Authority (ICA) requirements.

Work Pass Outsourcing Services

For organizations wishing to free up their HR departments for more strategic activities, we offer Work Pass application, renewal and cancellation outsourcing services. Whether you're a Small and Medium-sized Enterprise (SME) or a Multinational Corporation (MNC), you can trust us to handle all your Work Pass needs.

We pledge our commitment to ensuring your organization’s full compliance with MOM and the Employment of Foreign Manpower Act (EFMA) requirements. Choose Advisory HR Consultancy Group for a seamless and worry-free immigration process.

Get In Touch

12 Marina Boulevard, Tower 3, #17-01 Marina Bay Financial Centre, Singapore 018982